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Morihide SAWADA / 澤田守秀

... was born in Japan.
Since 1980, started to play his own music.
Studied electrical engineering in university.
However, his first job was an editor of a music magazine that specializes in progressive rock.
After that, he was working as a sound engineer, and sometimes played drums with different bands.
In 2006, SAWADA played drums as a member of a psychedelic rock band.
Since that time, he sometimes plays in Europe.
Started solo performance "snare drum solo" since September 2011.
He already collaborated with many musicians.


音楽雑誌 Marquee 編集部勤務後、サウンドエンジニアを志す。
その傍らドラムを演奏。 黎明期のゆらゆら帝国 (ロックバンド) に在籍。
後にロックバンドMarble Sheepのメンバーとしてヨーロッパツアーに参加。
スネアドラム1つのみを使ったソロパフォーマンス "snare drum solo" をスタート後、アーティストビザを取得しドイツへ移住。
William Parker, Thurston Moore, Damo Suzuki, Charles Hayward, Z’EV, Chris Cutler 等、海外の巨匠達と演奏を共にする機会を得る。
ドイツ前衛ロックバンド Faustが主催するAvantgarde Festivalに過去7回出演。


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